Beautiful pics of Tatu Baby and Astrid Berges Frisbey feet & legs

Katherine Kat Flores uses the name TatuBaby as her professional tattoo artist name. Her birth date was October 28, 1987, in Colombia. Find out about Tatu's Networth. She has a relationship with to height, weight and size. She is an American tattooist and television personality. Ink Master was her first reality-based competition for tattoos. In season 2 she was placed fourth. Tatu participated in season 3 of the Ink Master show and got third place at the end of season. Cartel Crew was a reality show about people with connections with drug cartels. Tatu baby Tatu, one of the most popular American tattoo artist has tattooed professionally since she was 19. The Best Of Day Award was presented at a Tattoo Competition Convention. Tatu is a baby's tattoo artist. Her works are notable for her authentic custom designs in of grey and black tattoos. Tatu is fascinated with how the human body transforms into a canvas that allows one to express their creativity. Tatu was a participant on the Season 2 Ink Master tattoo show and made it to fourth before being removed. Tatu was a baby when she began tattooing at 14 years old. Tatu Baby started tattooing at the age of 14. By the age of 19 she was an all-time professional tattooist. Tatu Baby aka. Katherine Kat Flores is a American born in Colombia who was raised in Miami Florida. She is the daughter of Colombians. Her father was a drug kingpin living in Queens New York. As she was four years old the gang of rivals killed her father. The mother of Tatu decided to quit the business of drug dealing after her father's death. Tatu's mom followed Tatu in Miami Florida. Tatu started her schooling in Miami. While studying animation, she dropped out of school. When she was 14 years old, she was interested in tattoos. She became a full-time tattoo artist by 19. Tatu Baby is a sister known as Kenneth Roman.

Astrid Berges is an actress from Spanish roots. She started acting when she was in the school system, and she was involved in play in order to keep her busy. The actress didn't consider acting as a profession at the time, because the environment in the countryside kept her from considering performing. Astrid was blessed with a variety of individual traits that made her more suited to secure her roles. The condition known as sectoral homochromia gave the iris with two tones. Her accent was foreign and soft bone structure which created Sofi an ideal candidate to play the role of Sofi as a character in I Origins. The well-dressed actress, Astrid says "I'm starting at zero each time. I'm not a repeater." It is not always easy. concerned about this, but is also content, as she believes she is improving with every task. Astrid is extremely particular on the specifics of character. Astrid pays attention to the way her characters communicate, act and behave. One of the advantages of her personality is the fact that she speaks fluently in five languages - Catalan, Spanish, Italian, French and English.

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